Ready for another update on what's new with Making ME?
A few months ago we shouted from the roof top our new vintage plate collection, we instantly had a pour of interest from brides, clients, and vendors to use our plates. What we didn't tell you about was another very special collection that we've been slowly piecing together. To give you a little background on how this collection "came to be" I'll start from the beginning.
Nell taught me to gamble, in life, in love, and on a slot machine! She wasn't your traditional grandmother, but she was the toughest old lady I knew and in very matter of a fact way you always knew what was on her mind (yes, I do get that from her). About 8 months ago my grandmother fell suddenly and unexpectedly ill and as my family prayed and bonded together and eventually continued on, I was in New England, so far away from home and still heart broken. I couldn't think of anything except our last conversation which ended in "I love you" and how that could have been the last words we ever spoke to each other.
Alas one day out shopping for a few vintage plates I stumbled upon a plate that my grandmother had in her cabinet, with a stack of 20 new plates this was instantly my favorite but unfortunately it wasn't vintage. Each shopping trip I found myself more and more interested in collecting what I was dubbing as "Granny's collection", and with each found plate I felt closer and closer to recreating a collection that she would be proud to have in her cabinet.
Initially purchased as a way to keep my grandmother close to me turned into a wonderful collection that I know she wouldn't want me to hide away. Granny's collection is inspired by my sweet-sweet grandmother, Nell and is reminiscent of the late 60's and 70's, you'll find a combination of stoneware, bone china, and fun patterns.
My grandmother is so special to me and I'm happy that today she is still with us and currently recovering. I'm also happy to say that each time Granny's collection is rented a donation will be made to Granny.
.....Enjoy the preview and stay posted for more beautiful pictures of this collection

My great grandmother absolutely had plates like the one in the far right of the last picture.