This next post came from a conversation with my mom, Celeste. Over the years we've shared hundreds of conversations, each one giving me gentle direction about love, life, career, and all that happens in between, but there are some things that "mama didn't tell me". When I started this business, a young bright eyed bushy tailed, naive in many ways girl began the journey. Along the way and far from the end a strong, thoughtful, optimistic but realistic woman emerged. Mama didn't tell me that in order for this business to be successful I'd have to sacrifice so much for it's success but here I am telling you what life is really like when you own your own business. I've cried, jumped for joy, and sought guidance when needed, I've learned that no decision can be made before I mull it over with a cup of coffee, and I've learned that this business sinks or swims with yours truly.
Just so we are clear....I plan to swim my ass all the way to the top keeping an open mind, warm heart, and strength of the family that gently whispers to me when it's time to make the next move. Mama didn't tell me that the journey to the top would be long, arduous, painful, and at times discouraging but I'm telling you it is. If you plan to go into business be prepared to fail.....write yourself a little note that reminds you, you knew this would happen, gather yourself and move onto what's next.
My note is simple and it says this......
Nancy, Minnie, & Ruth.
The meaning is for me to know, but the purpose is to remind myself that with great success comes great failure. Now maybe my mama didn't tell me this, but this may have been the best lesson that I learned early on in my business. Plan to fail and Prepare to succeed.
See you on day 18!

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