Fabric: The very first thing I did was pick out a fabric and color that would compliment my room and bedding, my room is painted in a gorgeous color called davenport tan by Benjamin Moore. The fabric I chose is a heavy weight velvet in a deeper gray, I purchased it from Jo Ann's fabric from the final clearance sale section for $4 a yard! I couldn't get to the register fast enough to purchase 5 yards, but please keep in mind that while this was a steal it was also a gamble because it couldn't be taken back. If you don't already have the Jo'Ann's fabric app, get one and NOW! I signed up while I was in the store with my I-Phone and there were tons of coupons that I could use right off my phone, for this I used a 40% off your purchase.
Fabric Price=$12.00
Batting & Foam: This was by far the most expensive part of the project! Once again using Jo Ann's fabric's I purchased the most inexpensive batting (trust me it's just going to cover you foam) and 4'' thick foam. I kid you not I almost had a heart attack when I saw how expensive the foam was going to be! I already had foam at home so I only needed another two. Using the Jo Ann's fabric app I used a 50% off regular price item AND a 10% off your full purchase, I was absolutely extra cheap and paid separately for each item.
Batting & Foam=$25.00
Headboard: After reading a bah-gillion tutorials I decided this is where I was going to take a big risk, everywhere I read kept telling me that I needed to get a piece of plywood...my genius moment was when I discovered I would use Peg board instead. I mean why not right? Peg board comes in a variety of size sheets and already has the holes....um GENIUS! Thanks to my local Lowes store I was able to get a large piece for $14.98 and have them make one cut for free. I obviously needed a shorter length, but I still wanted it to be a bit over sized for my queen bed. If you're going for a standard queen size 62'' width should be fine.
Headboard Material= $14.98
Additional Materials: For this project you're going to want to make sure you have the following: a staple gun, staples, scissors, LONG upholstery needles, upholstery thread, button covers, button cover kit, spray adhesive, patience, and a hand to hold your headboard! Some of the things I had on hand and any others I had to purchase I again used the 50% and 10% off! I saved a lot of money like this and time but having the app right on my phone!
Additional Materials=$15.00
Total Project Cost=66.98 including tax, probably closer to $75.00
Ready to begin assembling your headboard? Head over to the part 2 version!

I'm so doing this as soon as I find the time