Dec 11, 2012

MY 5 step recipe to success

A few days ago I was thumbing through an old magazine and stumbled upon a sentence that really hit home for me. Work it-Own it-Love it, simple right? Now that I've had a few years to reflect on Making Me and the growth that I've seen my little baby take on it's great for me to go back to the beginning from time to time and remember that I didn't always follow my now wiser advice. You are your business, find what you love and work the shit out of it. I mean seriously the wedding industry is difficult to break into but finding your own identity is key. I decided a long time ago not to do things the way anyone else was because I was "supposed to" but because it made sense for me and my business. If you've recently started your own business (lean in close I have advice for you) or if you're re-evaluating the direction of your business here's my advice.

1.) Be fearless, start something fail at it and get the hell over it. Trust me in business you are going to fail at something, I can't tell you how many times I said to myself damn...I'm totally failing at twitter! Once you've hit the bottom you'll know exactly what you did to get there and you'll never do it again.

2.) Be yourself! You don't want to look at your business one day thinking who am I and how did I make a business off of copying others? There is nothing more disheartening as a business owner to look  around and feel like you've had your business high jacked by someone who didn't have the gumption to work their way to the top.

3.) Enjoy being the new kid on the block. Seriously best feeling ever!

4.) Ok you've made it, stay grounded. I own and operate Making Me and it's been pretty successful but you'll never catch me acting like a diva.

5.) Reward yourself! Running a business is hard work every now and then stop and smell the roses, eat a cupcake (off a pretty plate if you can-wink), take a trip, and celebrate the hell out of the success you've been able to accomplish you deserve it!

Here's to a very happy and successful business!

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