Jan 1, 2013

2013 Goals

I have always loved New Years day, it's the one day out of the year where we get to sit down and write our own story for the year. I've said it before and I'll say it again 2013 is going to be a great year for me and I'm looking forward to seeing it all unfold like a beautiful love story.

In 2013, I'm turning 31 (yes I publicly shared my age...and I'm proud of it) and I'm excited...another year older and absolutely another year wiser.  I enjoyed my twenties but I'm living and loving intensely and fiercely in my 30's and couldn't be happier about my daily victories, but I need a little something to keep me on track..I need a goals list! Thumbing through my facebook feed I saw the lovely Ruthie Eileen Photography's blog about goals and thought if she was brave enough to post her goals then I could too (Thanks Ruthie for the gentle nudge).

2013 GOALS:

1. Ask - Believe - Receive
I tend to have this problem with saying or asking for exactly what I want (both in my personal life and in my career). This year I'm going to ask for what I want, believe that the blessing is mine, and receive my blessing.

2.Book 15 events in 2013 

3. G-H-W x 3
Gym, Hair, Water. In 2013 I'm going to rev up my daily dosage of all of these things so that I can physically be the best that I can be.

2013 is going to be year that I take the biggest leaps of my professional career, I know that God has so many plans in store for me and I need to get out of my own way so that he can do his work.

5. Give
This year I just want to give more of myself, to my savior and more to my community.

6. Sign up for a BYE class & Become a better blogger!
Last year I had this dream that I could really take this blog and run with it but blogging is hard work and I could learn a lot from professionals about blogging about how to increase my audience and find my voice.

7. Professionally Rebrand MME
In 2012 I started the process of rebranding MME with a company called Makewell, in 2013 I can't wait   to share with you the beauty of this process and the end result.

8. Take up a new Hobby
This Christmas the beau gave me a shiny new camera, Cannon Rebel T3i (squeak!) It's gorgeous, but I'm going to need some serious help learning the ins and outs of how to actually use it.

9. Set business hours for MME
This year I've learned just how important it is for me to have a better home and work life balance, this all goes back to my NYE post about cherishing me a little more this year.

10. Don't stress about the small things, Keep Calm and Trust God.

What are your 2013 goals? Feel free to share!
Photo Sourc


  1. YAY!! I love all of your goals! Let me know if you need help with #8 ;) I can't wait to follow along and see what God has in store for you personally & professionally! Cheers to an amazing year ahead!

    1. Ruthie thanks so much for reading my goals and yes-yes-yes I would love help with #8!!

  2. Hi Phebe, Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good luck with your 2013 goals!


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