Apr 26, 2011

Proposal Story

The story of us begins with a series of missed connections. We studied at a small liberal arts college and graduated one year apart. For part of our college career, we even shared a small group of mutual friends and acquaintances. A majority of our on-campus work experiences is in the same building with the same people. Yet, our paths never crossed until after college. Fast forwarding a couple of years, Noah and I met at a work event and several months later, we began dating long distance after a fateful phone conversation. 

A year and half later and a move back home to NYC, Noah decides to propose. His mother, a safe deposit box and an heirloom ring were part of the plan. The unsuspecting fiancĂ©e to be (that’s me) had no idea what was going on. The night before the proposal, dinner was at our first “date,” Bella Sguardo. We sprang for the Emack’s ice cream we were supposed to have when we first met at Ramaz Upper Day School. Still, I had no idea.

It was August 28th, 2010, a summery yet nice day outside. Noah was sick with a fever the night before. I tossed and turned in bed mainly from the heat wave that nearly canceled our plans for the day: picnic and check out the Cloisters. After some serious prodding from Noah and a slow start to the day, we drove to the farmers market, filled the cooler with delicious cheeses, fruits and kale (we love fresh kale). Our destination was Fort Tyron Park in the Cloisters. Our picnic was short but a great reprieve. In that moment, where life couldn’t get any calmer, the sun couldn’t shine any brighter and our dog couldn’t be any happier, Noah asked me a series of silly questions. Still, the unsuspecting bride to be has no idea what is going on.

Noah: Would you give me a serious answer to a serious question?
Lia: Depends on the question.
Noah: (leans over to me) Will you Marry me?
Lia: ……….?
Noah:… okayyyy…. Not the reaction I was expecting…
Lia: Are you serious?
Lia: Are you kidding?
Lia: Are you serious?
Noah: (puts away the ring……)

I must have looked like a starry eyed idiot. Instead of responding to the question at hand, I asked Noah if he was serious and some other variation of that question, a half dozen times. Noah was indeed serious. After a couple of awkward, teary eyed, quiet, touch and go moments, I answered yes and asked to see the ring again.

Picture? yes!! 

And there you have it folks, the story of our proposal and what brought on this entire wedding organization and mania. In hindsight, I am truly oblivious because the signs were ALL THERE!!!

With that I bid you Adieu,

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