May 25, 2012

Plate Love

TGIF! I can't believe this week has zoomed by so quickly, and what a fabulous week it has been indeed. Today's Friday so let's talk all about another element of my business, vintage plates. My obsession for vintage or vintage inspired plate ware is an ever growing collection and each piece is handpicked by you guessed it, me. There is something very special to me about depression glass, pastel colors, 23 carat gold china, Limoge, and Noritake that just reminds me of a time I can only dream about and somewhere between yards of vintage lace, flowing chiffon and silk are my vintage lovelies for the perfect table setting at your affair. I've been asked by more than a few friends and brides exactly how many I have, and my answer is always "more than one girl needs", you're just going to have to take my word on it.

Where can you find these beauties for your wedding? Here of course! But did you know that you could also rent them through New England Country Rentals, where our plates are apart of a full vintage line? YES, you can! It's been such a dream come true to be able to collaborate with New England Country Rentals in order to spread our  love for plates far and wide. No post would be complete without pictures so check out where we were featured this week and another one of our fav's.

Enjoy your Friday lovelies and Happy Memorial Day.

Photo Credit: Kelly Dillon Photography

Photo Credit: Kelly Dillon Photography

Photo Credit: Henry Photographers

May 23, 2012

Gettin' all pretty!

Why hello! This week is flying by, and I have so many wonderful things to share with you that I hardly know where to begin. This is the one time during the week where I feel like I can share with you a bit of what's going on with Making ME and the direction we're going in....soooooooooo (close eyes-squint nose-and type)

We're officially getting a whole new look! Gah, it's taken me months to share this news with you but I truly couldn't be happier. It's a business owner's dream to step into the big world of entrepreneurship knowing that they have the kind of brand that people will remember. The entire process has been so amazing and dreamy, I can't even begin to tell you how much I adore the dynamic duo that's making it all happen, Makewell.

I ABSOLUTELY can't wait to show you the new "Making ME"!! Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for some amazingness.....and because no blog post is complete without a cute pic, check out this sneak peak at our studio!

May 21, 2012

DIY: Dream Dresser

Happy Monday. I absolutely couldn't wait to sit at my computer and write today's blog post! Monday's are all about perfecting the art of D.I.Y'ing (aka do it yourself) and showing it off, for now I'll only be featuring the projects that I D.I.Y but as my house and studio are completed I'm sure I'll have more to show you.

Last summer I was determined to find a dresser that could be used as a multi-functioning piece, I searched and scoured websites like freecycle and craigslist until finally giving up. Then one day while browsing craigslist I found it,the dresser I had searched months for. The dresser was a little banged up, but the lines and details were perfect and for $5 hell I could ignore any scrapes and scratches. I put the dresser in my living room and used it for my 1 year business party and I was starting to see it's potential.

 Below is the dresser! Not to shabby for a $5 find right? After seeing pictures I knew that I had made the right choice but the color was just all wrong for me, I'm from the south and LOVE white furniture! It's cliche but if this dresser was going to stay in my home I had to make it me.

Photo Credit: Summer Street Photography 

So the transformation project began to turn boring into BAM......

Step #1 

Sand the dresser so that it can be ready for primer and paint. I'd recommend doing this outside. You'll thank me later!

Materials to Sand: Free! My landlord is awesome!

Step #2

Pic out a Primer and a Paint (I had a water damage stain that if I hadn't primed the dresser the ugly mark would have been noticeable). I also should tell you that I initially used a flat paint, but after realizing it could get a bit dirty I repainted with a gloss antique white. It still looks gorgeous!

Paint: Lowes $20 for Paint, Primer, and a new brush!

Step #3 

Accessorize-Accessorize-Accessorize! I wanted mismatched hardware and decided right then and there to come up with a color palette for the entire studio space. Deciding not to fight with the existing vintage wallpaper but include it into the color palette was the right choice and it gave me the exact pop of silver I was looking for. 

Hardware: Anthropologie $12 for 4 new nobs on super sale!

Step #4

Enjoy it!

Finding the perfect dresser took a while, finding the perfect paint and accessories took only a few days but it was all worth it. This is my dream dresser and I made it for under $40. It's now nicely tucked away in my studio and has been used as a mini-bar, dessert station, brunch area, and more! I like to think this studio is a place where all things pretty go and I'm happy to say that this was one of the first pieces. 

Photo Credit: Don't Frett Photography

May 19, 2012

Blog Brain working!

Today is THE DAY that I get back on the blogging horse and with a 3 month hiatus I'm finally feeling like my writers block is over! Seriously blogging is a lot harder than I EVER thought it would be, some days I would sit at my computer just thinking about topics to write about and it was torture. So to get myself in a better blog space I'll be blogging 4 times a week on specific topics (hello organization.bye-bye scatter brain!). As many of may know my business has really grown up over the past year, we went from just being wedding planners to include vintage plate rentals (absolute obsession) and that entails a lot more than just wedding talk.  This has also been the year that we've opened our own studio and have been crafting our way to perfection! So FINALLY we have a lot to say! I hope you'll stay with me on this fun journey to becoming a better blogger and drop me a line, comment, or just leave some love when you can.

So DRUM ROLL please for our weekly line up.

Monday: D.I.Y crafting our way to perfect projects

Wednesday: Weddings & The business of planning

Friday: Make My Plate

Weekends: Fav pics from around the web

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